摘 要:用GC/MS法分析了黄旦品种乌龙茶的香气组分, 并对不同湿度做青环境条件下生产的乌龙茶香气组分进行比较分析表明:黄旦乌龙茶主要香气成分为橙花叔醇、α-法呢烯、芳樟醇及其氧化物、香叶醇、苯乙醛、吲哚、顺-茉莉内酯、β-紫罗酮+顺-茉莉酮、乙酸苄酯等;在相同温度(23℃),不同湿度做青环境生产的黄旦乌龙茶香气主要特征成分含量和精油总量各不相同,且香气品质以做青环境相对湿度75%为好,香气高且持久。说明做青环境是影响乌龙茶香气的重要因素之一。 Effect of different green-making humid conditions on aromatic ZHANG Fang-zhou1,CHEN Rong-bing1,LI Yuan-qin2,JIANG Fu-ying1 Abstract:Aromatic constituents of Huangdan Oolong tea were analysed with GC and MS and were compared in different green-making humid conditions.The major aromatic constituents of Huangdan Oolong tea were nerolidol, α-farnesene, linalool and its oxide, geraniol, pheny lacetal dehyde, indole, cis-jasmine lactone β-ionone + cis-jasmone, benzyl acetate and so on.At the same temperature,the content of aromatic constituents were different, the aromatic quality in the 75% humid condition was better,which was more fragrant and kept longer.It proved that the green-making humid condition was one of the major factors to effected aroma of Oolong tea. 做青是乌龙茶制造的特殊工序,是决定乌龙茶品质的关键,受气候温湿度环境的制约。因此,做青环境温湿度是做青过程中一个重要技术条件。乌龙茶品质以香气和滋味为主,相同工艺、相同温度、不同湿度做青环境对乌龙茶香气品质的影响,尚未见报道。本文采用统一的做青工艺,比较同一温度、不同湿度做青环境对乌龙茶品质的影响,研究做青环境的湿度对黄旦品种香气成分的影响。 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料 2 结果与分析 2.1 相同温度不同湿度做青环境对黄旦品质的影响 |